Holy and Blameless

It is difficult to see ourselves “Holy and Blameless” especially if we retrospectively look back at our lives and go over all those painful memories we now know left deep wounds. Whether we wounded or were wounded, the scriptures tell us that “we are all formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds.”…

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Deliver Me from the Power of the Lions

Power of the Lions. Many children of God walk in His righteousness and are found blameless before His eyes. However, many of us have fallen victims of disease and accusations even when we are doing everything right. This exactly what happened to the prophet Daniel from biblical times. As we continue to eat right, exercise,…

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Is My Death Enough to Cover your Sin?

Cover your Sin. Countless times we have held ourselves hostage of past painful trauma, unable to let go of the pain and condemning those who hurt us. We may be entitled to feel that way but are we hurting ourselves in the process? How about us? Have we hurt others and inflicted pain on someone…

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Boosting Your Immunity Through Chiropractic

Immunity Through Chiropractic. In 1975, Dr. Ronald Pero, Ph.D.. the chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s preventative medicine institute and professor of medicine at New York University began researching the ways and means to estimate an individual’s susceptibility to various chronic diseases. The specific aspects studied were “an individual’s immune system responsiveness or their…

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What Adaptogens Can Help Your Thyroid

What Adaptogens Can Help Your Thyroid? The thyroid. Such a little part of our body and yet such a big impact it has. Are you one of the 20 million people in America who deal with thyroid disease? Could be, as up to 60% don’t even know that have something going on. (Source) With a…

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Where do you stand?

Where do you stand? “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Martin Luther King, Jr This quote comes from a book written by our dearest Martin Luther King, Jr titled “Strenght of Love.” The book…

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