Psychology of Cancer Stage 8: Negative Emotions

Psychology Cancer Negative Emotions. We’ve been following the different stages of the “Psychology of Cancer” and this one, “Negative Emotions” refers to how a person finds no outlet to express their wounded feelings. Usually, in this stage, a person accumulates their emotional toxicity and keeps it within. In other words, this type of reaction will…

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The Physical Pillar

The Physical Pillar. Have you ever thought about what your pillars of health are? What you stand on, lean on, act on… regularly, to make sure you keep vibrating at your highest self? Healthy, strong, enthusiastic about life. These are acts and routines that you keep up to feel this way. I am healthy, strong,…

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Psychology of Cancer: Stage 7, Guilt

Psychology of Cancer Guilt. Such a low vibrating emotion. Such a thief of joy. It’s the 7th stage in Flower Society’s Psychology of Cancer and they describe it as the following:  “Guilt: Taking action to break free from the particular psychological bind seems impossible, either because of ethical obligations, moral dictates, love attachments or other…

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The Benefits Of Garlic

The Benefits Of Garlic - Healthy Nutrition

Benefits Of Garlic. Good old garlic! Such a powerful food- both in taste and benefits. It has been used as a medicinal treatment for thousands of years, even Hipprocrates (Let food be thy medicine, and medicine by thy food) would prescribe it to people for specific ailments and illnesses. It is a spice that I…

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My 5 Pillars Of Health

5 Pillars Of Health. Did you know that Numerologists agree that number 5 describes balance? Be it the delicate balance of nature, or the balance of life…this often means something to people who are under the influence of this number. In the bible, 5 signifies grace. There are many references that show this number means…

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Psychology of Cancer: Stage 6 Powerless Anger

Psychology Cancer Powerless Anger…even just those two words standing alone are so powerfully charged. You can almost feel immediately what powerless anger is. It’s feeling like you are up against something that just isn’t right. Your emotions feel hot and yet you feel hopeless, like there is nothing you can do. A quiet anger. Flower…

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How Maca Can Help With Thyroid Disorders

How Maca Can Help With Thyroid Disorders. Who knew such great power could come from such a tiny adaptogen vegetable? For those of you who are already familiar with maca, you know the amazing benefits this Peruvian superfood can have. In Peru, maca is grown in the mountains. The higher the elevation, typically the better…

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What is biological – holistic dentistry and How does it differ from the conventional approach?

biological - holistic dentistry - odontology health

Biological – holistic dentistry is a type of dental care that emphasizes a treatment approach that considers your oral health in the context of your overall physical health and well-being. It is also known as biocompatible dentistry or alternative dentistry, and involves the use of non-toxic restoration materials. This type of dentistry recognizes and promotes…

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Psychology of Cancer: Stage 5, Resentment

Psychology of Cancer – Resentment. In continuing our series with the psychology of cancer and the 14 stages associated with it, I think resentment (stage 5) is one of the most important ones to cover. Flower Society describes the resentment stage as a time when there are “hidden feelings of bitterness, resentment and sense of…

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What Is The Immune System And What Is Its Function?

The Immune System. I had the great opportunity to interview one of my favorite doctors. Dr. Cesar Nuñez from Lima Peru, who gave me the great opportunity to respond to this interview in a virtual way, thanks to the advances in technology that we all already have. His experience and knowledge on the subject of…

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