Moka Shake

Ingredients of the moka shake: 1/4 organic avocado 1 cup almond milk 1 tablespoon organic almonds 1 tablespoon organic cacao nibs 1 tablespoon organic coffee 1-2 tablespoon honey or yacon syrup (optional) Instructions for the moka shake: Pour all ingredients in a blender, add ice, blend until smooth and creamy… Serve and enjoy! Properties of the moka shake: Rich in magnesium Source of healthy…

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Banana Maca Bowl

Ingredients for the BANANA MACA BOWL: 1/4 cup diced organic mango 1/4 cup spinach 1 tablespoon organic maca powder 1 organic banana 1-2 tablespoon honey or yacon syrup (optional) Toppings: Fresh ripe organic blueberries Organics nuts Oganic chia Instructions for the BANANA MACA BOWL: Pour all the ingredients into the blender. Blend until mixture has a smooth and creamy texture. Pour…

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God has said Yes before you believed!

God has said Yes before you believed! When I first heard this and really thought it through it filled my heart with so much joy and hope. I quickly imagined saying YES to my three children before they would even understand it. I imagen saying yes to protecting them, caring for them, loving them, providing…

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Keto or Plant-based: which is the Best Diet for Cancer?

Every year around this time, many of us are already starting to give up on their New Year’s resolutions as yet another fad diet fails to deliver. These days, the ketogenic diet is one of the biggest diet trends. The popularity of the ketogenic diet (also known as keto) has surpassed even Atkins. The premise…

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Can Curcumin extract serve as an Anti-Cancer Agent?

Can Curcumin extract. Tumeric is something I cannot talk enough about. Turmeric is a yellow spice that is extremely rich in not only flavor, but also in its medicinal uses. Ayurvedic medicine and Eastern medicine have been touting the impressive list of benefits as a result of a turmeric rich diet for centuries upon centuries. The reason why is…

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World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day. I will use my voice for a positive change. Today February 4th is World Cancer Day! A day marked to raise awareness and to encourage cancer prevention detention and treatment. Since my thyroid cancer diagnosis, I’ve learned a great deal about the dreaded C word, how fear takes over you and how it…

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