My Therapies

How to Do a Sugar Detox (& Why Everyone Should)

Banner How to Do a Sugar Detox

Sugar Detox. Sugar is a naturally occurring component of many foods, and its main role in our bodies is to provide energy. Still, we live in a world where added sugars are becoming almost impossible to avoid, and they are becoming extremely detrimental to our health. Overindulgence in sugars has been linked to a variety…


Thyroid Dysfunction and Mental Health

Banner Thyroid Dysfunction and Mental Health - Thyroid Health Karen Berrios

Thyroid Dysfunction. The thyroid is one of the most important glands in the human body with a crucial role of regulating our metabolism. Our fast-paced lifestyles and environmental stressors put a huge toll on its function, making it hard to perform all the actions in an optimal way.  Thyroid dysfunction and a variety of thyroid…


What are the Different Thyroid Conditions?

Banner What are the Different Thyroid Conditions - Thyroid Health Karen Berrios

Different Thyroid Conditions. The thyroid is a powerful gland, located in the neck, just below the Adam’s apple. It’s responsible for a variety of important processes in the human body, from regulating your body temperature to regulating your metabolism. Unfortunately, with the crazy busy, stressful, and overwhelming lives we all lead, its function can easily…


How to Upgrade Your Nervous System?

Banner How to Upgrade Your Nervous System - Therapies Karen Berrios

Upgrade Your Nervous System. Our nervous system is one of the most complex and important systems in the human body. It’s responsible for controlling, stimulating, optimizing, and coordinating all of the body’s functions, from breathing and digesting food to movement and thought processes. As such, it should be our greatest goal to keep it healthy…


What is Subconscious Wounding? How to Heal Yours

Karen Berrios Empowering Inner Healing Banner Tips to Heal Your Subconscious Wounds

What is Subconscious Wounding? How to Heal Yours Subconscious Wounds. The body holds onto wounds from early childhood and shows up in different ways. Traumatic events people ignore can also flare up if triggers arise. In fact, the body retains memories of trauma. Bessel van der Kolk writes about this in his book, The Body…


Can you Reverse Cancer with a Plant-Based Diet?

Reverse Cancer. Plants are rich in a variety of different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other powerful compounds that are well-known and studied for their incredible health benefits. Following a predominantly plant-based diet ensures your body receives a plethora of these micronutrients and helps you fight inflammation, relieve pain and tension, establish a balanced microbiome, and…


Magnesium and Thyroid Health

Vitamins and minerals are incredibly important for the optimal function of all of our body systems and it’s only when we’re deficient that we actually realize and understand their role. We intake them through our food, but also dietary supplements as most of us can’t get adequate amounts just through our meals.  Unfortunately, the food…


How Iodine Helps My Thyroid?

If anyone in your surroundings ever had any issues with their thyroid, there’s a good chance you heard about iodine. This micronutrient plays one of the most important roles in the health of your thyroid and it’s important to keep it in balance.  Having too much iodine in your system is just as detrimental as…


How To Read Thyroid Test Results?

Reading thyroid test results can be daunting and overwhelming, especially if you’re told to wait for your doctor to review them. During that waiting time, you’re most likely anxiously heading to Google and typing in each line you see on your papers. And more often than not, this leads you down an even more anxious…


Thyroid Gut Connection

Thyroid Gut Connection - Thyroid Health

Thyroid Gut Connection. Our bodies consist of amazing systems working together. Imbalances in one area can cause problems in others. That’s the case with the thyroid-gut connection.  Two very important hormone-controlled areas of the body, the thyroid and the gut influence the rest of the body systems, either optimizing them or impairing their function.  Microbiome …