Karen’s Prayers

Blind Obedience

Prayer to God Blind Obedience

Our blind obedience to God holds the power to defeat the enemy, often before an attack even begins. As children of God, we may not always see the dangers forming around us, but through consistent prayer and unwavering trust in our Heavenly Father, we unknowingly dismantle threats before they take root. Rise up each day…


You Are Never Too Sick to Heal

Too Sick to Heal. Healing is a personal journey. No matter what you’re dealing with, whether it’s sickness, mental illness, an autoimmune disease, or painful matters of the heart, in order to feel better, you have to go through a process of healing. And healing is always possible, to whatever extent. I believe that healing…


I’m with You in Times of Trouble

Times of Trouble. You never need to doubt if I am in the midst of your circumstances. No matter how hot the fire seems, the flames will not scorch you as long as I am present. Just as I was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in their fiery test of faith, I am here now…


Sacred Sabbath

Sacred Sabbath As a follower of Christ Jesus, I have a clear understanding that Jesus, portrayed the heart of God The Father everywhere He went. Jesus was embraced by many for His compassionate heart but also highly challenged and criticized for His defiance against tinted religious practices. This passage discusses how Jesus went on a…


I say to you, Get Up!

I say to you, Get Up! There are numerous biblical stories that share the compassion of Jesus towards the sick and those in pain. You may or may not remember this biblical passage about Jesus raising a widow’s son. It is a short yet powerful message that displays once again the great mercy of God…


If you can believe…

If you can believe This phrase may resonate with you since it is commonly used in Christian circles. It was birthed out of a passage in the bible where a man was desperately looking for healing for his son who had a mute spirit. Even though Jesus’ disciples were filled with God’s authority, they were…


The Sting of Compassion

Healing Prayers The Sting of Compassion. At times we get stuck into what should take place according to rules and traditions placed by men, governments, religions, etc. There is a story in the bible in Luke 6:6-11 where Jesus defiles the day of the sabbath to bring healing to a man. This was unacceptable by…


Is Fear a Sin?

Is Fear a Sin? Fear is a normal emotion experienced by humans when facing danger or a situation we intuitively know or feel wrong. Emotions are part of God’s design and these help us collect information to make decisions and take actions. The Bible says we should always guard our eyes, our ears, and our hearts…


Great Faith

Great Faith. Having faith takes courage because you must let go of your control and everything you think you may know to surrender it all to Him. Trusting that He will come through for you even if you have no idea how that could even begin to be possible. Just like the centurion did when…


Holy and Blameless

It is difficult to see ourselves “Holy and Blameless” especially if we retrospectively look back at our lives and go over all those painful memories we now know left deep wounds. Whether we wounded or were wounded, the scriptures tell us that “we are all formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds.”…