5 Ways To Supercharge Your Coffee

Supercharge Your Coffee. Let’s talk about coffee. Many drink it, and many are not supercharging it. Coffee is the second most consumed drink in the world (the first is tea) and it offers the perfect moment to create a ritual that can fuel you not only with energy, but other healing foods as well too.…

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10 Cancer Prevention Tips for this New Year

Cancer Prevention Tips. Can you believe we are in our last week of January 2020? No joke when they say time flies! I know many of us have started the year with new diet goals or exercise regimens to keep us healthy. While this is wonderful, unfortunately, it is not long-lasting for most. Why is…

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10 Cancer Healing Foods

Cancer Healing Foods. As the great Hippocrates once said… “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” This isn’t going to be medical advice, but we are going to break down some research on what science says are some of the top healing or preventative foods for cancer. To give you some stats on Cancer: It is…

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Healing Confessions

Healing Confessions. Since the beginning of my journey, I was able to gather a list of beautiful prayers, declarations, confessions from different sources. I will do my best to give credit to the authors who created them. Directions: To be spoken by mouth three times a day until faith comes, then once a day to maintain…

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What Are Adaptogens And Who Could Benefit From Them?

What Are Adaptogens. Adaptogens are becoming super trendy in the health and wellness world- so we wanted to dispel them and give you the 411! They’re not a necessity, but they ARE a nice to have. There are some adaptogens that have the ability to be strong pillars in someone’s health. And certainly their stress levels (which…

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Joy in Being Loved

Joy in Being Loved. “Peace is the deliberate adjustment of my life to the will of God.” -Anonymous The truth is that we all struggle, life is beautiful but we have all faced a difficult challenge during our journey of life. At some point, we have all faced a mountain some may have been bigger…

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January is “Thyroid Disease Awareness Month”

Thyroid Disease. Coming from a cancer diagnosis myself, I must say I had no idea that there was an actual month of the year dedicated to “Thyroid Disease Awareness.” According to the ATA – American Thyroid Association, the world’s leading professional association of medical specialists dedicated to education and research to improve thyroid disease prevention,…

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