What Adaptogens Can Help Your Thyroid

What Adaptogens Can Help Your Thyroid? The thyroid. Such a little part of our body and yet such a big impact it has. Are you one of the 20 million people in America who deal with thyroid disease? Could be, as up to 60% don’t even know that have something going on. (Source) With a…

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How Do I Improve My Gut Health?

Improve My Gut Health. Think of your gut microbiome as a lush forest of all kinds of different trees. It needs to grow, flourish, stay fresh. You need to keep that forest healthy. What are the trees? They are trillions of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Together, they are known as the microbiome. A largely important ecosystem in…

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How To Heal Hormones Naturally

Heal Hormones Naturally. Hormones can affect a lot of different things: Mood swings. Weight gain. Sleep disruptancies. Anxiety. Hot flashes. Appetite. Brain Fog. Caring for our hormones is incredibly important. Hormone Specialist Dr. Anna Cabeca conducted a survey of 2000 women aged 30 to 60 (living in America) and 43% of them claimed that hormones have negatively impacted…

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How To Heal Your Body After Antibiotics

How To Heal Your Body After Antibiotics. Antibiotics… both friend and foe. We know that antibiotics can be an all star at knocking out infections. Sometimes it’s truly necessary to take them. We also know that they can cause side effects- like wiping out good gut bacteria, harming the liver, and causing yeast infections for some. Antibiotics are…

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The do’s of protecting your immune system in a pandemic

Protecting your immune. Right now is a really challenging time. With COVID-19, there is little else the world can even think of with everything going on. You turn on the news… COVID-19.Talk to a friend… COVID-19.Open social media… COVID-19. There is information being spread everywhere determining what to do. It can be hard to know where to even…

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Why Vitamin C Is Crucial For Covid-19

Vitamin C Covid-19. The world around us will never be the same. What is going on… what has gone on… it has opened our eyes to how important and precious our health is. How quickly life can be taken away. More than ever people are looking back at their choices when it comes to health– did we prepare? Did we…

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What Should I Do After A Pet Scan?

Pet Scan. People who are dealing with disease and cancer (especially cancer) are often faced with needing to undergo a PET scan. While this can tell us a lot about our bodies, it can also be a lot on our bodies.Let’s go over what a PET scan is. This is an useful description from Medical News Today:“A positron…

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5 Ways To Supercharge Your Coffee

Supercharge Your Coffee. Let’s talk about coffee. Many drink it, and many are not supercharging it. Coffee is the second most consumed drink in the world (the first is tea) and it offers the perfect moment to create a ritual that can fuel you not only with energy, but other healing foods as well too.…

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10 Cancer Healing Foods

Cancer Healing Foods. As the great Hippocrates once said… “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” This isn’t going to be medical advice, but we are going to break down some research on what science says are some of the top healing or preventative foods for cancer. To give you some stats on Cancer: It is…

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What Are Adaptogens And Who Could Benefit From Them?

What Are Adaptogens. Adaptogens are becoming super trendy in the health and wellness world- so we wanted to dispel them and give you the 411! They’re not a necessity, but they ARE a nice to have. There are some adaptogens that have the ability to be strong pillars in someone’s health. And certainly their stress levels (which…

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