
Metabolic health – Is Cancer a Metabolic Disease?

Banner Metabolic Health Karen Berrios

Metabolic health is the cornerstone of overall well-being, influencing everything from energy levels to disease prevention. A growing body of research suggests that maintaining optimal metabolic function is crucial in combating chronic diseases, including cancer. I recently attended The 33rd Annual Spring Congress with A4M which was a transformative experience as it aimed to provide…


10 Easy Ways to Prevent Cancer Now

Banner 10 Easy Ways to Prevent Cancer Now

Let me preface this by saying that nothing about cancer is easy, but there are definitely some things that are in your control that can help you prevent this serious disease here and now. Many people believe that due to so many aspects of cancer we still don’t know much about, it’s out of their…


Here’s the Truth About the Limiting Beliefs That Control You

Banner Heres the Truth About the Limiting Beliefs That Control You

Limiting Beliefs. We all have beliefs that help guide us through life. Some of them are societal, while others come from our own experience. But while some are inherently good for us and help us learn how to behave in our community, others might be detrimental to our personal growth and prevent us from achieving…


How to Do a Sugar Detox (& Why Everyone Should)

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Sugar Detox. Sugar is a naturally occurring component of many foods, and its main role in our bodies is to provide energy. Still, we live in a world where added sugars are becoming almost impossible to avoid, and they are becoming extremely detrimental to our health. Overindulgence in sugars has been linked to a variety…


7 Lifestyle Strategies to Improve Your Heart Health

7 Lifestyle Strategies to Improve Your Heart Health.facebook-PORTADA copia (1)

7 Lifestyle Strategies. During my healing journey, I realized how many different things go into play for every aspect of health. Focusing on just one part of it wasn’t going to help me, and I needed to find tools that improve everything, from my immune system and hormones to mental and heart health. Only by…


Neural Pathways of Pain: Unveiling the Connection Between Emotions and Physical Sensations

Banner Neural Pathways of Pain Unveiling the Connection Between Emotions and Physical Sensations

Neural Pathways of Pain. Emotional and physical pain may have their obvious differences, but the way our minds and bodies react to them is more similar than you think. It’s not uncommon to feel a pit in your stomach, chest pain, headaches, and even whole-body aches whenever there’s an emotional stressor, even without any physical…


Is Surgery an Answer to Cancer?

Banner Karen Berrios Is Surgery an Answer to Cancer Thyroid Health

Is Surgery an Answer to Cancer? Cancer is one of the deadliest, most challenging, and hardest-to-fight diseases people face these days, and still, science can’t completely understand why it occurs and how to successfully treat it. Not only does it differ from body part to body part, but it also depends on a variety of…


What are Complex and Simple Sugars And Which is Best for Cancer Patients?

Banner Karen Berrios What are Complex and Simple Sugars And Which is Best for Cancer Patients - Health Tips

Complex and Simple Sugars. Sugar is a natural ingredient found in many foods, but it’s also the one that gets ultra-processed and created in a lab, making it potentially toxic to our system. So how do you differentiate which sugars are good for you and which ones to stay away from? Here’s a simple guide…


Can I Take Ozempic if I Had Thyroid Cancer?

Banner Karen Berrios - Can I take Ozempic if I had thyroid cancer - Mental Health

Can I Take Ozempic. It seems like these days, no weight loss story can go by without the mention of Ozempic, the so-called miracle drug that helps you lose weight in a matter of weeks. Every celebrity and media person with a history of poor weight management has officially and unofficially mentioned Ozempic as the…


The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle and How to Overcome It

Banner Karen Berrios - The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle and How to Overcome It - Health Tips

The Dangers of a Sedentary. Sitting has become the prevalent way of existing these days. We sit in the car, we sit at work, we come home, and sit in front of our TVs. Gone are the days of walking everywhere, and many people are even using the “convenient” option many grocery stores use nowadays…