10 Anti-Inflammatory Plant-Based Foods You Should Be Eating

Anti-Inflammatory Plant-Based. When it comes to taking your health into your own hands and fighting chronic inflammation you can do more than you think. From staying active and exercising to optimizing your sleep routine and keeping a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet. Plants are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, healthy fats, and other incredible and powerful compounds…

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Cacao Powder Brownies Recipes

Cacao Powder Brownies Recipes Boost your mood with this delicious recipe! Ingredients: 1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup Karen Berrios Cacao Powder 4 eggs 2 tablespoons of baking powder 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1/2 cup coconut oil melted Directions: Add all the dry ingredients in a bowl, then add…

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How do Phytochemicals Prevent Cancer?

Phytochemicals Prevent Cancer. I am a big believer in plants being the most healing thing we can put in our bodies. I believe that God created an earth that would naturally house every single little thing we need to live a long and healthy life. In a world of sugar and meat and inflammatory oils… I…

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How Maca Can Help With Thyroid Disorders

How Maca Can Help With Thyroid Disorders. Who knew such great power could come from such a tiny adaptogen vegetable? For those of you who are already familiar with maca, you know the amazing benefits this Peruvian superfood can have. In Peru, maca is grown in the mountains. The higher the elevation, typically the better…

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Top 10 Plant-Based Thyroid Healing Foods

Plant-Based Thyroid. When I first started researching and learning how to heal from this thyroid cancer diagnosis, I came across so many wonderful references validating the power of using food as medicine. The father of medicine known for his popular quote… “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates nails this concept…

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Keto or Plant-based: which is the Best Diet for Cancer?

Every year around this time, many of us are already starting to give up on their New Year’s resolutions as yet another fad diet fails to deliver. These days, the ketogenic diet is one of the biggest diet trends. The popularity of the ketogenic diet (also known as keto) has surpassed even Atkins. The premise…

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