The Sting of Compassion
Healing Prayers
The Sting of Compassion. At times we get stuck into what should take place according to rules and traditions placed by men, governments, religions, etc. There is a story in the bible in Luke 6:6-11 where Jesus defiles the day of the sabbath to bring healing to a man. This was unacceptable by the religious men but Jesus’ act of compassion ignites a sentiment of reflection to follow through with the “Law of Love.”
Many of us have been deceived by the idea that certain things in our lives must take place before we can be accepted by God. We may even believe that we can never reach His healing and compassion because we are unworthy to receive it. You know what? You are right!
You and I are unworthy everyday… Yet through Jesus, His compassion chases us down and if we allow it to reach us, we will be cleansed from within.
Trust me when I tell you that it is hard to comprehend such love and compassion when we clearly don’t deserve it. We have all been guilty of something, we all have felt shame, bitterness, and anger at some point in our lives and somehow end up carrying it for years. We don’t realize we don’t have to or perhaps we don’t know how to let it go. Today, I want to share this prayer with you so you will yield to God’s compassion and let go of all burden you may be carrying.
Prayer Declaration
Faithful God, compassion is your nature and it is by your grace and faithfulness that I may receive it through faith in your son Jesus. Please help me to drop the idea that things have to be right before your eyes in order for me to receive your love, acceptance, healing, and compassion. Father, please help me accept and receive your compassion despite my past, my brokenness, and my sinful ways. I need you today and every day, help me walk towards you in faith always. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Healing through Faith in Jesus by Karen Berrios

hey there
I'm Karen!
I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.
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