
Top 10 Plant-Based Thyroid Healing Foods

Plant-Based Thyroid. When I first started researching and learning how to heal from this thyroid cancer diagnosis, I came across so many wonderful references validating the power of using food as medicine. The father of medicine known for his popular quote… “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates nails this concept…


The Pandemic of Fear Greed and Power

The Pandemic of Fear. This photo was taken in July 2019 as I had the amazing opportunity to visit Machu Picchu in my beautiful Peru. It is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the world and the most impressive archaeological ruin in South America. With an altitude of 7,900+ feet above sea level, it…


What is Tumeric Good For?

I have been an appreciator of turmeric for a long time. Since my cancer thriving journey began, I have used turmeric intentionally to get the most out of its healing and therapeutic benefits. The science says it all- turmeric is a true medicinal plant! It’s not wonder holistic experts all around the world look to…


Functional Medicine as Solution to a Broken Healthcare System?

Functional Medicine. In many ways, our medical system in America is broken. Referred to as conventional medicine, it is definitely effective for infections, trauma, medical emergencies, and acute diseases. However, because conventional treatment focuses on diagnosing the symptom and then prescribing a corresponding medication or recommending surgery, this approach fails millions of people each year,…


Thriving inside struggles?

Thriving inside struggles. Thinking one can thrive in the midst of a struggle seems like such a huge mountain to overcome as it is usually our tendency to focus on the problem instead of seeing our challenge as an opportunity for growth and change. The truth is that all humans will endure all different sorts…


Great Faith

Great Faith. Having faith takes courage because you must let go of your control and everything you think you may know to surrender it all to Him. Trusting that He will come through for you even if you have no idea how that could even begin to be possible. Just like the centurion did when…


Deliver Me from the Power of the Lions

Power of the Lions. Many children of God walk in His righteousness and are found blameless before His eyes. However, many of us have fallen victims of disease and accusations even when we are doing everything right. This exactly what happened to the prophet Daniel from biblical times. As we continue to eat right, exercise,…


Is My Death Enough to Cover your Sin?

Cover your Sin. Countless times we have held ourselves hostage of past painful trauma, unable to let go of the pain and condemning those who hurt us. We may be entitled to feel that way but are we hurting ourselves in the process? How about us? Have we hurt others and inflicted pain on someone…


Boosting Your Immunity Through Chiropractic

Immunity Through Chiropractic. In 1975, Dr. Ronald Pero, Ph.D.. the chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s preventative medicine institute and professor of medicine at New York University began researching the ways and means to estimate an individual’s susceptibility to various chronic diseases. The specific aspects studied were “an individual’s immune system responsiveness or their…


Where do you stand?

Where do you stand? “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Martin Luther King, Jr This quote comes from a book written by our dearest Martin Luther King, Jr titled “Strenght of Love.” The book…