Transformational Seeds

Cultivating Gratitude

Cultivating Gratitude. I looked up the meaning of thanks and gratitude and Webster dictionary defines “Thankful” as appreciative of benefits received. It is a way of expressing appreciation with or without an act. “Gratitude” is more like having a sense of thankfulness and the feeling is from within. Another Thanksgiving year is before us and…


Is Anger about You or Others?

Is Anger about You or Others? Like me, you have probably experienced anger towards someone or something that let you down, hurt you or didn’t meet your expectations. While this emotion is very valid, we may all respond to it very differently even if faced with the same situation. This made me wonder, how is…


Seed of Gratitude

A Seed of Gratitude Definition of Gratitude.- the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. This is exactly what I feel now as I culminated my birthday with a beautiful family dinner. Extremely blessed to have the privilege to celebrate one more year of life with my husband and…


Seed of Love

Seed of Love. Christmas is my favorite season! I embrace it with much joy and happiness. Ever since I was a little girl, I would remember how happy it made me to put up my little tree, wrap presents for my loved ones, and eat the typical bread made in Peru for the season. Oh…


A Seed of Gratitude

A Seed of Gratitude. It’s that time of the year again where we usually gather with our family and friends to bring to mind the true meaning of “Thanksgiving” also known as a celebration of gratitude. Prior to my diagnoses I never really reflected much on the meaning of “Thanksgiving” as I do now. It…


Get Unstuck

Get Unstuck At its core, hope—the positive expectation of something good coming—is rooted in your beliefs. But sometimes it seems like even though your conscious mind knows that there is always hope, your emotions keep getting stuck in negativity and worry. Why? Because we tend to operate in default mode, based on the habits and…


Laughter is Medicine to the Heart

Laughter is Medicine to the Heart Proverbs 17:22 says that “A cheerful heart is good medicine,” and science has now caught up with what God prescribed for us all along. Research shows that laughter—which is, after all, a fabulous manifestation of a “cheerful heart”—strengthens your immune system, builds your white cells, and releases the endorphins…


Celebrate Process and Progress

Celebrate Process and Progress Sometimes we don’t get what we want, and we don’t meet the expectations or goals that we set for ourselves. For example, perhaps you’ve been working very hard on your physical health, but your latest lab results don’t reflect the numbers you were looking for. How do you remain joyful and…


The Joy of the Lord is My Strength

The Joy of the Lord is My Strength (Nehemiah 8:10) The Joy of the Lord is My Strength (Nehemiah 8:10) When you are filled with joy you feel stronger, more confident, and more determined to accomplish and be focused on what you are set to do. Which is exactly what the Lord wants for you!…


Seeds of Identity

Pay Attention to Your Perceptions Seeds of Identity. While we’re rarely consciously aware of them, our perceptions have a significant impact on our lives. Perceptions are based on our feelings and create our reality. Our emotions are an expression of an inward phenomenon known as feelings. Emotions are a third of our health therefore our…