Transformational Seeds

Exercise Your Thinking Muscles

Thinking Muscles. Changing old thought patterns that are not serving you well isn’t easy. I know, because I struggle with this, too. It takes daily effort to build the “thinking muscles” that support transformation. You need to be intentional about digging to the root of your unhealthy thought patterns, and then replacing lies with truths…


Don’t Wait to Be Joyful

Don’t Wait to Be Joyful. It’s easy to get stuck in “I’ll be joyful when” mode. You start thinking, “I’ll be joyful when the lab work shows zero on those cancer markers,” or “I’ll be joyful when I feel like my old self again.” Or even, “I’ll be joyful when I’ve been cancer-free for five…


Anticipate the Good

Anticipate the Good. Hope, a positive expectation of something good coming, is all about training yourself to anticipate the good rather than worrying about the bad. Being hopeful means overcoming the negative beliefs, thoughts and reactions that have become so automatic to us. How can we do this? It’s a matter of awareness. When challenging…


Throughout my journey I’ve experienced profound and life changing moments, where I encountered challenges that have reshaped, stretched and enlightened me as a woman, wife, mother, daughter and friend. The lessons learned were transformational and have taken root in my heart, mind and soul. In effect they have helped form a new identity within me,…


You’re in Control

You’re in Control. God has given us the gift of choice, and it is indeed a very powerful gift. While you cannot always control your circumstances, you can control the reality you create for yourself through your feelings, emotions and reactions. How have you been choosing to react? Are you being proactive or reactive? Are…


Joy is a Gift from God

 Gift from God. Joy is not something that we have to earn or work for. It’s a choice, and it was freely given to us. But if we allow ourselves to be wrapped around our circumstances and become angry or disappointed or hopeless, if we allow those seeds to take root in our hearts, we…