
5 Years since I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer

5 Years since I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. It is hard to believe that five years have passed since my Thyroid Cancer diagnosis. In June 2014 my life and my family’s lives radically changed when we learned I had cancer. I still remember how afraid my family and I were, to hear the doctor…


Juicing as a Healing Therapy

Juicing as a Healing Therapy. Ever since I started my healing journey, juicing has been one of my favorite healing therapies. Juicing has helped me boost my immune system, increase my nutrient intake and helped with detoxification process. It is said that juicing can reduce your risk of chronic illnesses such as cancer, boosts your immune…


Can a Person Live with Cancer?

Live with Cancer. Cancer is one of the main causes of death worldwide, but new research shows that chemotherapy might be just a big of a killer. Researchers have looked at the number of deaths in the first 30 days of starting chemotherapy, and found out that in one hospital the treatment killed up to…


Is Ginger More Effective than Chemotherapy?

Is Ginger More Effective than Chemotherapy? Ginger is an amazing herb and it’s loaded with various nutrients that have multiple health benefits. It is a flowering plant that originates from Southeast Asia, and it has been used for thousands of years thanks to its taste and therapeutic properties. It can be consumed fresh, dried, powdered, as…


Rename Your Valley

Rename Your Valley. A few days ago, while driving my kids to an appointment I got to listen to one of Pastor Joel Osteen’s sermons. I enjoy listening his teachings as he speaks biblical truths that resonate with my spirit. Anyhow, he spoke about renaming your valley and brought to reference the famous and familiar…


My Superfoods Arrived!

My Superfoods Arrived. As many of you may remember I had started a project last year to bring nutrition-rich superfoods from my birth country Peru. Well, I am super excited to share with you the great NEWS that last week they arrived… YAY!!! It is hard to put in words the happiness I felt once…


Moka Shake

Ingredients: 1/4 organic avocado 1 cup almond milk 1 tablespoon organic almonds 1 tablespoon organic cacao nibs 1 tablespoon organic coffee 1-2 tablespoon honey or yacon syrup (optional)   Instructions: Pour all ingredients in a blender, add ice, blend until smooth and creamy… Serve and enjoy!   Properties: Rich in magnesium Source of healthy fats Powerful antioxidant Boost your immune system Boost your mood…


Banana Maca Bowl

Ingredients: 1/4 cup diced organic mango 1/4 cup spinach 1 tablespoon organic maca powder 1 organic banana 1-2 tablespoon honey or yacon syrup (optional)   Toppings: Fresh ripe organic blueberries Organics nuts Oganic chia   Instructions: Pour all the ingredients into the blender. Blend until mixture has a smooth and creamy texture. Pour in a bowl and serve with blueberries,…


Keto or Plant-based: which is the Best Diet for Cancer?

Every year around this time, many of us are already starting to give up on their New Year’s resolutions as yet another fad diet fails to deliver. These days, the ketogenic diet is one of the biggest diet trends. The popularity of the ketogenic diet (also known as keto) has surpassed even Atkins. The premise…


Can Curcumin extract serve as an Anti-Cancer Agent?