Healthy Living Tips

My 5 Pillars Of Health

5 Pillars Of Health. Did you know that Numerologists agree that number 5 describes balance? Be it the delicate balance of nature, or the balance of life…this often means something to people who are under the influence of this number. In the bible, 5 signifies grace. There are many references that show this number means…


What is biological – holistic dentistry and How does it differ from the conventional approach?

biological - holistic dentistry - odontology health

Biological – holistic dentistry is a type of dental care that emphasizes a treatment approach that considers your oral health in the context of your overall physical health and well-being. It is also known as biocompatible dentistry or alternative dentistry, and involves the use of non-toxic restoration materials. This type of dentistry recognizes and promotes…


What Is The Immune System And What Is Its Function?

The Immune System. I had the great opportunity to interview one of my favorite doctors. Dr. Cesar Nuñez from Lima Peru, who gave me the great opportunity to respond to this interview in a virtual way, thanks to the advances in technology that we all already have. His experience and knowledge on the subject of…


What Do Antioxidants Do To Cancer Cells?

Cancer Cells. Let’s talk about Antioxidants and how they relate to cancer. You know that I love a diet full of antioxidants. The more variety of antioxidants, the better. I am a big believer that food is medicine and what you put in your mouth is one step closer to helping you or harming you….


How To Detox Your Body From Radiation?

Whenever there is a radiation disaster in the world, we never forget. Chernobyl, the Fukushima power plant in Japan, radioactive bombs, or even when simply radiation is detected in rain water. Radiation is scary! But it can also be used to kill cancer cells. Cancer patients are well aware that many treatments include radiation.…


Why Green Juice Is Good For Digestion

Why Green Juice Is Good For Digestion. I love my green juice. First thing in the morning, as an afternoon treat, or as a mocktail in the evening. There is no bad time for a green juice in my book! Before my cancer diagnosis, you would rarely catch me with a green drink. It just…


Hope, Gratitude and the Supernatural

It is difficult to cultivate hope and gratitude when facing difficult situations, especially now with the current events, we are all facing. The ongoing world challenges, financial crises, natural disasters, political agendas and so much more. What if on top of that we are facing cancer? It is hard to imagine to not only deal…


What are the Benefits of Camu Camu?

If you have not heard of camu camu, let me tell you, it is one powerful little fruit!  In Peru, this fruit has been celebrated for thousands of years for it’s healing and medicinal properties. You might see it pop up in fancy smoothie and juice shops as an “add-in”… but it’s so much more…


What All Cancer Patients Need to Know About Covid-19

Cancer Patients Covid-19. This pandemic has sure brought about some lowly emotions hasn’t it? Anxiety, fear, depression… all emotions that vibrate at a low level and don’t serve us whatsoever. Cancer is not for the faint of heart.Covid is not for the faint of heart. And those dealing with cancer or newly in remission from…


Top 10 Plant-Based Thyroid Healing Foods

Plant-Based Thyroid. When I first started researching and learning how to heal from this thyroid cancer diagnosis, I came across so many wonderful references validating the power of using food as medicine. The father of medicine known for his popular quote… “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates nails this concept…