
Unconditional Love – What it means for your Mental Health

Loving freely, without conditions or attachments, is considered unconditional love. And although some people believe that to be a myth, others can’t imagine giving themselves to someone fully when there are conditions involved. And now, there are even studies that showcase its benefits for your mental health.  What is Love? Love is one of the…


Thyroid Healing Foods

Thyroid Healing Foods. When it comes to healing your thyroid, there are different avenues to consider, and depending on your condition, your healing journey might be completely different from someone else’s. That being said, there are some incredible thyroid-healing foods to include in your diet, whether you’re dealing with an under or overactive thyroid.  Underactive…


January is Thyroid Awareness Month

Thyroid Awareness Month. Over the last decade, people have become aware of illnesses, diseases, and health conditions we face more and more each day. It’s not just heart disease and worrying about cholesterol levels anymore, and the gravity of the overall health situation worldwide has made health organizations to dedicate specific moments and months throughout…


How to Take Care of Your Mental Health in the Midst of Adversity

Mental Health. Life is a wonderful journey that definitely has its fair share of ups and downs. When everything is great, we often don’t even stop and think how lucky we are to be in this position, but when adversity hits, we cannot step away from the sorrow and wallowing.  And in the midst of…


What is Intermittent Reinforcement and is it Dangerous to Your Physical and Mental Health?

Relationships can drastically differ from one another, and what might look a certain way from the outside doesn’t have to portray absolutely anything from the inside. It’s sometimes miraculous how toxic and dysfunctional they can be and yet we stay, keep pushing through, hope for the best, and learn how to live with the worst….


Can you Reverse Cancer with a Plant-Based Diet?

Reverse Cancer. Plants are rich in a variety of different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other powerful compounds that are well-known and studied for their incredible health benefits. Following a predominantly plant-based diet ensures your body receives a plethora of these micronutrients and helps you fight inflammation, relieve pain and tension, establish a balanced microbiome, and…


Things you Should Know About Thyroid Cancer

About Thyroid Cancer. Getting a thyroid cancer diagnosis is always hard and it may leave you feeling scared, sad, angry, and completely confused about what to do next. And although many people might be trying to help you by giving you ideas and solutions they think should be the next step, the ultimate decision falls…


Fruits and Vegetables for a Healthy Thyroid

Following a healthy and clean diet can have an incredibly powerful influence on the health of your thyroid gland. And it’s not just about staying away from processed foods and excess sugar, it’s also about adding nourishing fruits, vegetables, as well as superfoods to your daily meals and having their potent plant compounds support healthy…


Gut Health and Cancer Prevention

Cancer Prevention. The health of your gut can influence almost every other process in your body, impacting you in both, a positive and a negative way. Taking care of your gut and paying attention to what you put in your body is way past the esthetic factor; it’s helping you prevent diseases, inflammation, and even…


Does Thyroid affect the Gut?

Thyroid affect the Gut. The thyroid and gut connection is very important as the health of one affects the other. Our body is a complex system with a million parts that all need to work together to achieve balance and optimal health.  When there’s an imbalance or inflammation in one part of your body, others…