Mental Health

What is the Difference Between PTSD & Complex PTSD?

What is the Difference Between PTSD Complex PTSD Karen Berrios Banner

PTSD Complex PTSD. In recent years the global focus has shifted toward the topic of mental health disorders, spreading more awareness around their symptoms and causes, and finding healing solutions in everything from behavioral therapy to psychedelics. PTSD and Complex PTSD are one of these mental health disorders that have been amongst us for a…


Is Talk Therapy Enough to Heal Trauma and Ingrained Beliefs?

Karen Berrios Is talk therapy enough to heal trauma and ingrained beliefs Banner

Is Talk Therapy Enough to Heal Trauma and Ingrained Beliefs? Talk therapy, also called psychotherapy, is a form of counseling that can help someone change their behavior, cope with loss, and improve ingrained beliefs and subconscious wounds to resolve trauma. A therapist is present with one or more people and they reflect on challenges they…


What is Subconscious Wounding? How to Heal Yours

Karen Berrios Empowering Inner Healing Banner Tips to Heal Your Subconscious Wounds

What is Subconscious Wounding? How to Heal Yours Subconscious Wounds. The body holds onto wounds from early childhood and shows up in different ways. Traumatic events people ignore can also flare up if triggers arise. In fact, the body retains memories of trauma. Bessel van der Kolk writes about this in his book, The Body…


Unconditional Love – What it means for your Mental Health

Loving freely, without conditions or attachments, is considered unconditional love. And although some people believe that to be a myth, others can’t imagine giving themselves to someone fully when there are conditions involved. And now, there are even studies that showcase its benefits for your mental health.  What is Love? Love is one of the…


How to Take Care of Your Mental Health in the Midst of Adversity

Mental Health. Life is a wonderful journey that definitely has its fair share of ups and downs. When everything is great, we often don’t even stop and think how lucky we are to be in this position, but when adversity hits, we cannot step away from the sorrow and wallowing.  And in the midst of…


What is Intermittent Reinforcement and is it Dangerous to Your Physical and Mental Health?

Relationships can drastically differ from one another, and what might look a certain way from the outside doesn’t have to portray absolutely anything from the inside. It’s sometimes miraculous how toxic and dysfunctional they can be and yet we stay, keep pushing through, hope for the best, and learn how to live with the worst….


10 Ways Cancer Patients Can Stay Mentally Strong

Ways Cancer Patients

Can Stay Mentally Strong. Facing a cancer diagnosis or cancer treatment can be distressing. You may feel alone and be tempted to give up on taking care of yourself. In my journey, I have learned and used multiple tools to help me process this diagnosis and encourage mental strength and emotional wellbeing. Below are 10…


Thyroid Diseases & Mental Health

Thyroid Diseases. As we continue to acknowledge Thyroid Awareness Month, I feel is fundamental to explore the many types of thyroid conditions. Having gone through a thyroid cancer diagnosis, I was able to learn more in-depth about this precious organ and the different types of conditions many people face nowadays. Which include some of the…


The Mental Pillar

The Mental Pillar - Mental Health

Mental Pillar. We have been discussing my 5 pillars of health, the pillars that I look to day after day, week after week, on how to guide my life to be the healthiest and most fulfilled possible version of myself! Do you have pillars that you keep track of and use as a guide? I…


Psychology of Cancer Stage 3: Hopelessness

Psychology of Cancer – Hopelessness. The third stage in the Psychology of Cancer is Hopelessness. This is typically the stage where the person feels like there is no end in sight to this hardship. I understand the feeling of “What can I even do?” or “What is the point? This is out of my control”…