
Las ensaladas son una opción refrescante y nutritiva que pueden desempeñar un papel importante en la promoción de una vida saludable y combatir enfermedades. Estos platos llenos de vegetales frescos y coloridos están cargados de vitaminas, minerales y antioxidantes que fortalecen el sistema inmunológico y mejoran la salud en general.

Incorporar ensaladas en tu dieta diaria puede ayudar a prevenir enfermedades crónicas, como enfermedades del corazón, diabetes tipo 2 y ciertos tipos de cáncer. Los vegetales de hoja verde, como la espinaca y la lechuga, son excelentes fuentes de fibra, que promueve la salud digestiva y reduce el riesgo de enfermedades intestinales.

Al agregar ingredientes ricos en antioxidantes, como tomates, zanahorias, pimientos y remolachas, puedes proteger tus células del daño causado por los radicales libres, lo que ayuda a prevenir enfermedades relacionadas con el envejecimiento y fortalece el sistema inmunológico.

Las ensaladas también pueden ser una excelente manera de obtener proteínas saludables. Encuentra las recetas de estas ensaladas y comienza a vivir una vida llena y saludable.

Cancer-Fighting Summer Salad

By Karen Berrios | June 27, 2022

Cancer-Fighting. That food can be our medicine is something we should all strongly believe, and it’s important to find ways to incorporate not only wholesome and seasonal ingredients into our diet, but also those that bring a little bit of extra to the table.  I’m talking about superfoods, of course.  Summer is that time of…

Mediterranean Salad

By Karen Berrios | January 23, 2019

Mediterranean Salad Recipe. This salad is delicious and super easy to make. In less than 5 min. you will have a great dish that fills your tummy with yummy nutritious food. Here it goes… Enjoy! Ingredients of the Mediterranean Salad: 1 avocado cut into strips 1 organic chopped tomato 1/2 grated carrot 1/2 cup almond cheese…

Eggplant Stuffed With Quinoa

By Karen Berrios | April 2, 2018

Eggplant Stuffed With Quinoa Ingredients: 1 large eggplant 1/4 cup zucchini cut into cubes 1/4 cup yellow pepper 1/4 cup red pepper 3/4 cup quinoa 1 1/2 cup water Salt to taste Dressing: 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 clove ground garlic 1/4 cup chopped onion Salt to taste Eggplant Stuffed With Quinoa Preparation: Cut the…

Healthy Fats Salad

By Karen Berrios | March 12, 2018

Healthy Fats Salad Ingredients: 2 avocados cut into strips 1 1/2 cup palm hearts, cut into thick slices 3-4 cherry tomatoes 1/2 cup chopped almonds 1 handful of fresh parsley Dressing: 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar salt to taste Healthy Fats Salad Preparation: Mix all the ingredients…

Chickpeas And Swiss Chard Guide

By Karen Berrios | February 6, 2018

Chickpeas And Swiss Chard Guide Ingredients: 1 cup chickpeas 4 3/4 cups with water A little bit of oregano Salt to taste 3 tablespoons coconut oil 1/4 cup chopped red onion 1/2 teaspoon ground garlic 2 cups Swiss chard leaves (in thick strips, separate them from their stalk or trunk) Chickpeas And Swiss Chard Guide Preparation:…

Hot Quinoa Salad

By Karen Berrios | January 30, 2018

Hot Quinoa Salad Ingredients: 1/2 cup of white quinoa 1 cup of water 1/4 red pepper, chopped without seeds and without stem 1 cup of chopped eggplant 1 cup of chopped zucchini 1/4 cup of chopped red onion 1/4 teaspoon of paprika Salt to taste 1 teaspoon of ground garlic 3 tablespoons of coconut oil Parsley 1/2 avocado…

My Peruvian Superfoods

Connecting with my roots brought me on a nutritional and holistic healing journey through Peruvian superfoods that are a powerful source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Every ingredient in my online shop is sourced directly from Peruvian farms and it’s organic, full of healing properties, and absolutely delicious. I hope you find some inspiration in the recipe section of the blog as well, and learn how to add these amazing superfoods into your diet on a daily basis.