Rebounding. Of all the therapies that I have done as part of my cancer treatment, Rebounding is hands-down the most fun. In fact, it’s probably the only therapy that has ever gotten my children arguing over which one of them got to go next when I was through.
What is Rebounding?
Rebounding is simply jumping up and down on a mini-trampoline called a “rebounder.” Rebounding is therapy and low-impact exercise all wrapped into one.
How does Rebounding help detoxify the body?
While Rebounding has many benefits, the one that I am most interested in is its impact on the lymphatic system.
The lymphatic system is a critical part of the immune system. It carries white blood cells (the “fighters” that “attack” invaders and infected cells) throughout your body, where they work hard to help keep you healthy. The lymphatic system also carries away toxins, dead cells and waste, so it can all be eliminated through your mucus, sweat, urine and liver bile. In this way it’s like your body’s sewage system. When your lymph isn’t flowing properly, that sewage system gets backed up and toxins start to build up in your body.
However, unlike your circulatory system, which has a pump—i.e. your heart—to keep the blood moving, the lymphatic system has no pump. It relies on muscle contractions to get the lymphatic fluid circulating through a series of millions of one-way valves in your body.
Rebounding is an excellent way to stimulate this flow of lymph, thereby accelerating your body’s natural detoxification process. It’s all about getting your lymphatic system moving to get the “junk” out of your body.
What are the other potential benefits of Rebounding?
In addition to boosting your immune system by stimulating the flow of lymph, Rebounding has other positive impacts as well, including:
- Strengthens your entire musculoskeletal system, including muscles, bones, connective tissue and organs
- Speeds up your metabolism
- Improves your balance
- Increases circulation
- Increases cardiovascular fitness
Plus, many people find that Rebounding also improves digestion and elimination, lowers elevated cholesterol levels, detoxifies the liver, and improves blood pressure.
How do you do Rebounding?
While some people recommend doing 15 minutes of Rebounding in the morning and then another 15 minutes at the end of the day, I prefer to do 30 minutes all at once, approximately four times each week. During these 30 minutes I pace myself, starting off slowly with a warm up and then slowing down gently with a cool down. I’ve got my rebounder in my bedroom overlooking my backyard, so I have something nice to look at while I’m having fun jumping and listening to uplifting podcasts or music. Many times if the whether allows it I rebound in my backyard on a sunny Southern California day. And yes, I do think of this as part of my exercise routine and not just as a cancer therapy.
There are four basic ways that you can do Rebounding:
- Sitting down – If you are too weak to stand on the rebounder, you can sit down on it and gently bounce from this seated position.
- Without lifting your feet – For the basic move, called the “Health Bounce,” you stand on the rebounder and gently bounce up and down without lifting your feet. Keep in mind that until you get used to Rebounding, you may find that keeping your balance is harder than you might expect.
- Jumping – Your goal should be to work up to what’s called the “Strength Bounce,” which is jumping up and down while standing on the rebounder.
- Getting fancy – Once you’ve mastered the Strength Bounce you can try “Aerobic Bouncing,” which means doing any other type of jumping motion. After I’ve warmed up, this is what I enjoy doing. I dance, do jumping jacks, pretend I’m boxing, and just have fun with it.
Also, it is important to note that not all rebounders are the same. I recommend you look for one that is made with bungee cords rather than springs, as this type of rebounder will be much softer on your joints.
How does Rebounding make you feel?
Rebounding makes me feel more vibrant and energized, like I just had a good workout (which I did!). It also makes me happy knowing that I’ve done something positive and healthy for my body, and that I’m helping my lymphatic system to function more strongly.
How about you?
What’s your experience with Rebounding? What’s your favorite way to use your rebounder? Do you have any “tips and tricks” for using a rebounder that you would like to share? Please leave your comments below and thank you for reading!
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hey there
I'm Karen!
I have found my cancer journey to be a positive and profound transformational experience. I’m inspired to share my healing journey here, and trust you’ll find hope, encouragement and purpose as you discover the healing power that lies within you.
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Thank you for the good lesson.Where do you buy them and which you recommend?
Thank you Mayra for reading my post 🙂 This is the company I got my rebound from Rebound-Air. They are great and provide one of the BEST rebounders in the market. I personally use the Ultimate Rebounder. Thank you for your ongoing support, prayers and encouragement. Many blessings!
What if your hip bone is messed up cause of RA is sitting rebound the same thing