Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie. This recipe combines health-boosting components like coconut, chia seeds, cashews and almond flour

Fall season has arrived, and we can all enjoy a nice pumpkin pie.

Here is a recipe I love!... and you can enjoy making as a family!

Pumpkin Pie Ingredients:




  • A bit of organic coconut cream
  • A handful of walnuts

Pumpkin Pie Instructions:


In food processor mix all ingredients from base until you get a sticky dough. Later, place it on a round mold (the same one that you use to make your cakes).


Blend all the ingredients until you get a creamy mixture, remove it and spread it on top of the base.


Spread it on top of the pie...and enjoy!


  • Boost your immune system
  • Helps improve digestion
  • Enehances energy
  • Mood enhancer
  • Promotes satiety


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